Ruh Rho. Haberman signals to Trump that Putin is going with a younger model? Or perhaps just someone with less legals entanglements.
DeSantis runs Florida like he is running for alpha male of the prison yard.
How does mini him get rid of trump, capture his base, get enough middle ground republicans on board manage to run for president in 2024 and not lose his governorship. And win.
Meatball Ron or DeSanctimonious as TFG like to call him wold do better to sit this one out if he were a serious candidate, but he’s not. Oh, he wants to be president alright but that doesn’t make him serious, only serious about winning over Trump. No clue why. He could support Trump and run in 2028, unless he feels TFG doesn’t ever want to be “Former” ever again but a permanent president as Putin is. Perhaps he sees Trump as Mt. Everest, because the challenge is there.
There are plenty of other presidential wannabe oddities to wonder at these days such as why Pence, is so protective of the man who set him up to be lynched by his own party. It would have been sad, you know. But really, he asked for it, din’t he?
In Florida, there are some laws about being governor and running for another office as each state has its own laws springing from that states concerns. As current governor, DeSantis term runs to January 3, 2023. It may be too tense to wait till after his term limit to say he’s interested. What constitutes “running” for office will be looked at. Maybe whatever legal stumbling blocks there are can be modified. The matter of his character and his vision for a DeSantis/Biden 2024 presidential run are then the next focus.
Gun laws are being changed in Florida. The ultimo goal is that guns will be ok everywhere. No permits needed to carry a weapon is the goal. Concealed, on the hip, in the glovebox, whatever. The governor may see this as a way to capture the MAGA base but at what other losses? Polling suggests that in excess of 63% of Americans they are dissatisfied with gun laws, meaning they are already failing us where safety is concerned. Perhaps DeSantis is simply reading this 180 degrees wrong. Parents are voters and children, once again, are likely to be hurt by rewriting gun laws into oblivion. Children play with everything they find. They will be curious about these objects as they are only for grownups.
The number right now is 110 children die each year due to accidental discharge of firearms. Roughly every two weeks a child from only months old to young teen age is gone because a gun is near and improperly handled or improperly stored. If one hundred and ten children doesn’t seem like too many to list go for some other perk reason to deregulate weapons, think of the circumstances surrounding the incidents as well. Not all deaths are children as a child with a gun may shoot an adult, teen or playmate. Saddest story is of a father with his 9 month old. His gun falls from where it is tucked into his pants. Hits the ground. Discharges killing the infant. This article is worth more than a look. Gun laws are concerns for many parents. So is the character of the man in the White House.
DeSantis comes off as a bully of Disney. Yeah that mean Walt Disney and all those stinking scary movies he makes. Disneyland! OY!!! Sleeping Beauty, Frozen. Micky F. Mouse. Who does he think he is? How dare he!
Angry Ron has flown immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard and dropped them off. Just like the Whiner in Chief, the Half Whiner just knew the immigrants in Texas were to land in Florida to be his problem so he took care of it before it happened. End of story right? Litigation won’t happen till it does. People are fatigued and any who may bring that suit is still an open question. Litigation or not, he’s prone to stunts with actual humans.
There is some reporting about DeSantis and his stint with the Navy. Reports of DeSantis at Guantanamo. I simply cannot report them here. Being pretty universal to google at this point, it won’t be hard to find. There was torture there as we all know.
In no way is it indicated he committed torture. I am pointing to something different here. When you are in the service there are tough lessons and life is not always pretty, an acknowledged understatement. What I understand from every man or women about their service in the military is that they have less of an appetite for war than when they entered. Ron DeSantis after an honorable discharge and now in office as governor of Florida, the fun state, seems to thrive on holding another’s well being in his hands, long enough to assert his dominance and control. He seems to be a threatening presence, always. He has been known to verbally be rough on kids on camera. This is not a presidential character trait to sell but to soft pedal. But that’s if you want to be a normal/traditional US president. He and Trump are going for something else.
The very specific meddling he’s done in children’s education is weird. That’s why there are school boards. The very idea of banning or limiting a book or education to kids will never go over with people who are interested in having educated kids. What is known as a liberal education, an education based on a broad range of topics is best for the child and the society he will live in and shape. Ron knows. It doesn’t interest him, just the opposite. But why?
On the subject of drag queens, they have been specifically targeted. A group who are already at risk. What does that mean? At risk means threatened with harm, being harmed, beaten or worse.
Drag queens are men who dress as women for their own entertainment and the entertainment of others. Meatball Ron is convinced they are a credible threat to children. He’s a Yale graduate with a Harvard Law degree. He’s not stupid, he doesn’t believe it and yet he has plenty of people convinced it is as his policies chip away at the communities that were created organically and peacefully. Enough angry, easy to convince people are turned to hate the people behind the costumes as these gentle, fun shows are tarnished into oblivion and the people who have created a community are once again shunned. We see you. It’s purely mean and mean spirited. Hate is not strength. It’s weakness wether he understands this or not is hard to say. Certain truths don’t change no matter how you gaslight.
On a personal presentation note, the nation will likely not embrace a first lady that wears opera gloves during daylight hours (like a real life Disney princess). If they do it will get messy fast for fashion.
Here’s something else about DeSantis. Trump won’t like it if and when DeSantis challenges his spot. That puts off most of Formers challengers and detractors keeping most republicans silent about his most hideous maneuvers.
Looks like Haberman is signaling to Trump and everyone in her reporting this evening in NYTimes. DeSantis in an on air interview committed to what he would not earlier. He is siding with Putin in his rampage on Ukraine. This is a departure with the Republicans in general at this time but obviously taking Trumps stance on the issue.
Maggie Haberman made a shot from a starters pistol this evening. The war to control MAGA has officially begun.
As mentioned, looks like indictments are “imminent” for Donald J. Trump. He will be angry and looking to uncork. People will be calling this “politics”. It’s far more insane and primal.
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I can't think of a single, sane, person who would disapprove of Trump and approve of DeSantis.