Mrs. Assad would like to go back to London now please, and thank you.
Perhaps a divorce as well.
Hospitality at Chez Putin must be difficult, a downgrade, when you are used to running your own, what’s that? Can you even call that a palace?
“The palace premises covers about 510,000 square meters (5,500,000 feet) and also includes a private presidential hospital and the headquarters of the Republican Guard. Hafez al-Assad first commissioned the plans for the building in 1979. Udo Kultermann has characterised the building as "a feudalistic architecture".”
Russia has issued a decision to prevent the Assad’s from leaving Russian territory. They’d like to curtail his political activity and are freezing all moveable and “immovable” assets. Definition of imprisoned at the highest level. All the perks and none of the freedoms.
Immovable assets. Sure. Something’s aren’t really things in the usual sense. You can make em, but you can’t take em anywhere. Simple concept until you’ve so much money and power you just can’t help but get confused. Anything I can think up, get AI to make a scene and ima gonna do it. More eagles. I want my patriotism absolutely to ooze from the phone screen. Shades. Yeah, at night? Yeah, at night… no, like Joe’s but different.
The kids think I’m cool. No really. Ironically? Maaaaayyyyybeee…. A votes a vote🤩
So this is a joke right? Well, yes, no, always a kernel of what he has up that sleeve. He did say some stuff…
First most recently he wants to annex Canada. Remember the Greenland thing from his first term? It’s back as well.
“The idea was shelved after Joe Biden took office in 2021, but has resurfaced online in the wake of Trump's victory earlier this month.” Thinks it may be important strategically. What’s the strategy?
Now wants the Panama Canal back. Well, nowhere did I see a note from Melania, “please give my husband everything he wants”. Where will it go? No, not in the Grand Canyon! Already too packed.
Anyone else remember the guy that made sweet something to a microphone might be playing gin rummy with a pinochle deck. Why and how has that changed? It hasn’t. His handlers are just giving him the material and the crowd goes wild. Anything he says or does is a magical unicorn until it isn’t. My only question about the Suez, is where will they put the hookup for EV’s? By the pool or on the other side nearer the restaurants? Pretty country if you just tidy up around the boats.
In timely religious news, perhaps the Bible needs updating, again? First, we’ve the Old Testament (we Jews think it’s the original and only but anyway), then the New Testament. How do we update that to include Christmas Adam?
“Because Adam came before Eve.”
It’s hard to define Christmas Adam, aside from the date. Unlike Christmas Eve, Christmas Adam is not part of an official Christian calendar. The Vatican certainly does not recognize it, and many churchgoers have not heard of it. There is not one way to celebrate.
The Third Testament? Latest? Sequel. What the heck, if we have a Wizard of Oz back story and did we get the one where Kent and Lois get married? Well, they did that too. How creative. We embellish our stories, imagining about the fictional characters. Time, space and science fiction blended and smashed into AI offerings just to refocus on the one important being left out of the story. No, not Jesus, (eye roll). Adam. Like it’s not hard enough to bring people’s thoughts to Christ. Jesus was the man. Being the messiah gave his life the meaning that’s celebrated. The reason for all the celebrations,… we all know that guy sits in the back seat to commercialization in today’s world. But get those tushes in the pews and those coins in the plate just find some clever advertising Adam, first man, stuff. They still take cash? Sorry,… Venmo ok? I still like the version where Mary is the woman of the hour. The story is positively Immaculate.
Adore the simplicity here. Fra Angelico’s work. Circa 1590’s.
And the orchestration of the event in this depiction as she is crowned and elevated.
From the studio of Peter Paul Rubens. about 1620’s.
But Christmas Adam? That’s fine too. Who will paint him?
And lastly, get used to taking care of yourself and the others around you. Vaccinations and medicine is available for the asking. Please do ask.
Thanks for being here. I wouldn’t be here without you.
Christmas Adam? Geez. Or should I say Jesu 🤦🏻♀️
Panama Canal, Canada, Greenland....Trump is a Putin-Wannabe. Anything could happen. We're seeing what money and power can buy and the waters will be tested. (I went through the Panama Canal on a 60ft sailboat in 2002 -truly incredible human endeavor -costly to lives, too.)
I enjoyed the paintings you posted, especially the Far Angelico one. Too many grifters, though.
The Assads in Russia...I haven't watched news and didn't know. Really interesting! Thank You!