May 20Liked by Gari Gold Richardson

Wow, Gari, I could hardly believe most of this could actually be happening! More dumpster fires. Way to throw a punch, Jasmine. I love that cartoon of "Real Housewives of SC"...scary true! Thanks!!

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When it came to “baby girl”, I knew we had crossed a line. Oh, this stuff about scotus however, is confirmation of his bias and frankly hatred for the American people, it can’t be ignored. Kaboom we are in such trouble but here we are and need to fix it. Thanks, Lisa. This week is so big with the wrap of the trial potentially a real change bc of the trial.🙏

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Yes, I am SO much hoping that the exposure of the Alito flag incident will move the SCROTUS away from 'immunity' for TFG! The waters are deep with corruption at the highest levels in our system. The enemy is within. I'm hoping for a Blue Sweep! p.s. I read the other comment here and looked at the newsletter the other commenter said reminded him of your writing. She is scrappy...but she plainly is not creative in a way that zooms out for people like me to see what is going on in the way you do...you Rock, Gari!

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There was a time when Congresscritters and Senatrats could be relied upon to follow their conscience and their oath of office. For example, I was amazed to learn this week that Senator Sam Ervin -- who became known for asking "What did the President know and when did he know it?" -- had previously voted with segregationists. But when it came down to whether or not the President can hire burglars to search his opponents' offices, Sam stood up for justice. As have so many others before 1981.

Now they have to ask their "leader" what to think and how to vote. The spectacle of GOP elected officials acting as Trump proxies to preserve his compliance with a gag order is more than enough to make me gag.

And that goes double for their willing compliance with #SCROTUS politics.

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I’m hoping there will be again a time when talking about government isn’t so divisive and so much like fake wrestling. The posturing is becoming more real.

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Yes she does. A bit younger than I, I can tell. I’m a bit more reserved in my language … in print. Thanks for the link and comment. I’m pleased to be in the same league.

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🙏 so much.

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